M. V. Lee Badgett

Economist and author

Professor of Economics, University of Massachusetts Amherst


The LGBTI Livelihoods Project is a new effort to build ideas and knowledge about how LGBTI people can gain economic power and better lives.

Recently published by Beacon Press

“Eye-opening in its global scope, The Economic Case for LGBT Equality is a must-read for all business leaders and policymakers.”

— Janet Yellen, Distinguished Fellow, Brookings Institution

“The exclusion of LGBT people from full and equal participation in basic economic, education, health, social, and political settings doesn’t just hurt them—it hurts everyone. In short, when LGBT people are fully included, we’ll all be better off. Just as human rights have economic foundations, an economic argument can help achieve the goal of human rights.”

From The Economic Case for LGBT Equality

Twitter: @Lee Badgett